Tuesday, April 13, 2010

write about me

My name is Lileana Corral. I' m from Cartagena -Colombia.I 27 year old. I'm Merrie.I live in Renton WA. I don't have any children. I have 11 mounts living in the UNITED STATE OF AMERICAN.
In my country I were graduate of lawyer.
I'm studying English in September-2009 in RENTON TECHNICAL COLLEGE. I am going to study law in future.
I have three sisters and two brothers.


1 comment:

  1. This is a nice introduction, Lileana. What kind of lawyer are you? You look too nice to be a lawyer!!
    Let's work you your spelling in this class. Make sure to spell check your words. You can change these:
    marrie to married, dont to don't, mounts to months, State to States, Ameican to America, contry to country, lowyer, lawyer, Septiembre to September, Tecnical to Technical Collage to College, estudy to study.
