Thursday, April 29, 2010

My favorite place

Topic: My favorite place is my home.

Supporting sentence 1: when I am in my home I fell calmness.
Example for supporting sentence 1: I watch T.V. and nobody disruption.

Supporting sentence 2: For my is a private place.
Example for supporting sentence 2: I leave my documents and I don't have problem that somebody take these.

Supporting sentence 3: I receive and attend people in this place.
for example I can have a party with ruler.

CONCLUDING: I think that a house is a place very important for all person.


  1. Very nice organizing!
    A few grammar/spelling points:
    fell should be feel
    nobody disrupts me
    For me it is ..
    I leave mu documents out....
    I have people over and host them, and I am entertain them the way I want.
    important for all people.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Maria, the children brind happyness, you don't worry,enjoy their presence on the house.

  5. teacher liz, in really I have a problem for make the corregir.
